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muda::lbvh::details::BVHViewerBase< IsConst, Real, Object > Class Template Reference
Inheritance diagram for muda::lbvh::details::BVHViewerBase< IsConst, Real, Object >:
muda::ViewerBase< IsConst >


struct  DefaultQueryCallback

Public Types

using real_type = Real
using aabb_type = AABB< real_type >
using node_type = details::Node
using index_type = std::uint32_t
using object_type = Object
using ConstViewer = BVHViewerBase< true, real_type, object_type >
using NonConstViewer = BVHViewerBase< false, real_type, object_type >
using ThisViewer = BVHViewerBase< IsConst, real_type, object_type >

Public Member Functions

MUDA_GENERIC BVHViewerBase (const uint32_t num_nodes, const uint32_t num_objects, auto_const_t< node_type > *nodes, auto_const_t< aabb_type > *aabbs, auto_const_t< object_type > *objects)
MUDA_GENERIC auto as_const () const noexcept
MUDA_GENERIC operator ConstViewer () const noexcept
MUDA_GENERIC auto num_nodes () const noexcept
MUDA_GENERIC auto num_objects () const noexcept
template<typename F , uint32_t StackNum = 64>
MUDA_GENERIC uint32_t query (const query_overlap< real_type > &q, F callback=DefaultQueryCallback{}) const noexcept
template<typename FDistanceCalculator , uint32_t StackNum = 64>
MUDA_GENERIC thrust::pair< uint32_t, real_type > query (const query_nearest< real_type > &q, FDistanceCalculator calc_dist) const noexcept
MUDA_GENERIC auto_const_t< object_type > & object (const uint32_t idx) noexcept
MUDA_GENERIC const object_type & object (const uint32_t idx) const noexcept


template<typename Real_ , typename Object_ , typename AABBGetter , typename MortonCodeCalculator >
class BVH

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