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Namespace muda

Namespace List > muda


Type Name
namespace config
namespace details
namespace distance
namespace eigen
namespace lbvh
namespace spatial_hash


Type Name
class BSRMatrixViewT <IsConst, typename Ty, N>
class Buffer2DViewT <IsConst, typename T>
class Buffer3DViewT <IsConst, typename T>
class BufferLaunch
class BufferViewT <IsConst, typename T>
class CFieldEntryView <typename T, Layout, M, N>
class CFieldEntryViewer <typename T, Layout, M, N>
class CMatrixMapInfo <typename T, M, N>
class COOMatrixViewT <IsConst, typename Ty>
class COOVectorViewBase <IsConst, typename T>
class ClosureId
class ComputeGraph
class ComputeGraphBuilder
class ComputeGraphCaptureNode
class ComputeGraphClosure
class ComputeGraphDependency
class ComputeGraphGraphvizOptions
class ComputeGraphNode <typename NodeT, Type>
class ComputeGraphNodeBase
class ComputeGraphVar <typename T>
class ComputeGraphVar <typename T>
class ComputeGraphVar <typename T>
class ComputeGraphVar <typename T>
class ComputeGraphVar <typename T>
class ComputeGraphVar <typename T>
class ComputeGraphVarBase
class ComputeGraphVarManager
class CubWrapper <typename Derive>
class Debug
struct Default
class Dense1DT <IsConst, typename T>
class Dense2DBase <IsConst, typename T>
class Dense3DBase <IsConst, typename T>
class DenseMatrixViewT <IsConst, typename Ty>
class DenseMatrixViewerT <IsConst, typename T>
class DenseVectorViewT <IsConst, typename T>
class DenseVectorViewerT <IsConst, typename T>
class DenseViewerT <IsConst, typename T>
class DeviceBCOOMatrix <typename T, N>
class DeviceBCOOMatrix <typename T, N>
class DeviceBCOOVector <typename T, N>
class DeviceBCOOVector <typename T, N>
class DeviceBSRMatrix <typename Ty, N>
class DeviceBuffer <typename T>
A std::vector like wrapper of cuda device memory, allows user to:
class DeviceBuffer2D <typename T>
class DeviceBuffer3D <typename T>
class DeviceDenseMatrix <typename Ty>
class DeviceDenseVector <typename T>
class DeviceDoubletVector <typename T, N>
class DeviceHistogram
class DeviceMergeSort
class DevicePartition
class DeviceRadixSort
class DeviceReduce
class DeviceRunLengthEncode
class DeviceScan
class DeviceSegmentedRadixSort
class DeviceSegmentedReduce
class DeviceSegmentedSort
class DeviceSelect
class DeviceSpmv
class DeviceTripletMatrix <typename T, N>
class DeviceVar <typename T>
class DeviceVector <typename T>
class DoubletVectorViewT <IsConst, typename T, N>
class DoubletVectorViewT <IsConst, typename T, N>
class DoubletVectorViewerT <IsConst, typename T, N>
class Empty
class Event
RAII wrapper for cudaEvent.
class EventRecordNode
class EventWaitNode
class Extent2D
class Extent3D
class Field
class FieldBuildOptions
class FieldBuilder <Layout>
class FieldEntry <typename T, Layout, M, N>
class FieldEntryBase
class FieldEntryBaseData
class FieldEntryCore
class FieldEntryLaunch
class FieldEntryLayoutInfo
class FieldEntryView <typename T, Layout, M, N>
class FieldEntryViewBase <IsConst, typename T, Layout, M, N>
class FieldEntryViewCore <IsConst, typename T, Layout, M, N>
class FieldEntryViewer <typename T, Layout, M, N>
class FieldEntryViewerBase <IsConst, typename T, Layout, M, N>
class FieldEntryViewerCore <IsConst, typename T, Layout, M, N>
class Flags <typename BitType>
class Graph
class GraphExec
class GraphLaunch
class GraphNode
class GraphViewer
class HostCall
class HostDeviceConfig <typename T>
class HostDeviceConfigView <typename T>
class HostNode
class HostNodeParms <typename T>
class HostVector <typename T>
class IdWithType <typename T>
class Kernel <typename F>
class KernelLabel
class KernelNode
class KernelNodeParms <typename U>
class Launch
A wrapper of raw cuda kernel launch in muda style , removing the<<<>>> usage, for better intellisense support.
class LaunchBase <typename T>
class LaunchCore
class LinearSystemAlgorithm
class LinearSystemContext
class LinearSystemContextCreateInfo
class LinearSystemHandles
class LinearSystemSolveReorder
class LinearSystemSolveTolerance
class LogProxy
class Logger
class LoggerDataContainer
class LoggerMetaData
class LoggerViewer
class MatrixFormatConverter
class MatrixMapInfo <typename T, M, N>
For MapMatrix e.g. Eigen::Map< ... >
class MemcpyNode
class Memory
class MemsetNode
class NDReshaper
class NodeId
class NodeParms
class Offset2D
class Offset3D
class ParallelFor
a frequently used parallel for loop, DynamicBlockDim andGridStrideLoop strategy are provided, and can be switched seamlessly to each other.
class ParallelForDetails
class Profile
class RangeName
class Stream
RAII wrapper for cudaStream.
class SubField
class SubFieldImpl <Layout>
class SubFieldImpl <Layout>
class SubFieldImpl <Layout>
class SubFieldImpl <Layout>
class SubFieldInterface
struct Tag <typename T>
class TripletMatrixViewT <IsConst, typename Ty, N>
class TripletMatrixViewT <IsConst, typename Ty, N>
class TripletMatrixViewerT <IsConst, typename T, N>
class VarId
class VarViewT <IsConst, typename T>
class ViewBase <IsConst_>
class ViewerBase <IsConst_>
struct always_false <typename T>
struct always_true <typename T>
class cuda_error <typename T>
class exception
struct force_trivial <typename T>
struct force_trivially_constructible <typename T>
struct force_trivially_copy_assignable <typename T>
struct force_trivially_copy_constructible <typename T>
struct force_trivially_destructible <typename T>
class invalid_argument
struct is_cuda_arch
class logic_error
class not_implemented
class out_of_range
struct read_only_view <typename T>
struct read_only_view <typename T>
struct read_only_view <typename T>
struct read_only_view <typename T>
struct read_only_view <typename T>
struct read_only_view <typename T>
struct read_only_view <typename T>
struct read_only_view <typename T>
struct read_only_view <typename T>
struct read_only_view <typename T>
struct read_only_view <typename T>
struct read_only_view <typename T>
struct read_only_view <typename T>
struct read_only_view <typename T>
struct read_only_view <typename T>
struct read_only_view <typename T>
struct read_only_view <typename T>
struct read_only_view <typename T>
struct read_only_view <typename T>
struct read_only_view <typename T>
struct read_write_view <typename T>
struct read_write_view <typename T>
struct read_write_view <typename T>
struct read_write_view <typename T>
struct read_write_view <typename T>
struct read_write_view <typename T>
struct read_write_view <typename T>
struct read_write_view <typename T>
struct read_write_view <typename T>
struct read_write_view <typename T>
struct read_write_view <typename T>
struct read_write_view <typename T>
struct read_write_view <typename T>
struct read_write_view <typename T>
struct read_write_view <typename T>
struct read_write_view <typename T>
struct read_write_view <typename T>
struct read_write_view <typename T>
struct read_write_view <typename T>
struct read_write_view <typename T>
class runtime_error

Public Types

Type Name
typedef TripletMatrixView< T, N > BCOOMatrixView
typedef CTripletMatrixViewer< T, N > BCOOMatrixViewer
typedef DoubletVectorView< T, N > BCOOVectorView
typedef CDoubletVectorViewer< T, N > BCOOVectorViewer
typedef BSRMatrixViewT< false, Ty, N > BSRMatrixView
typedef Buffer2DViewT< false, T > Buffer2DView
typedef Buffer3DViewT< false, T > Buffer3DView
typedef BufferViewT< false, T > BufferView
typedef CTripletMatrixView< T, N > CBCOOMatrixView
typedef CTripletMatrixViewer< T, N > CBCOOMatrixViewer
typedef CDoubletVectorView< T, N > CBCOOVectorView
typedef CDoubletVectorViewer< T, N > CBCOOVectorViewer
typedef BSRMatrixViewT< true, Ty, N > CBSRMatrixView
typedef Buffer2DViewT< true, T > CBuffer2DView
typedef Buffer3DViewT< true, T > CBuffer3DView
typedef BufferViewT< true, T > CBufferView
typedef COOMatrixViewT< true, Ty > CCOOMatrixView
typedef CBCOOMatrixViewer< T, 1 > CCOOMatrixViewer
typedef COOVectorViewBase< true, T > CCOOVectorView
typedef CBCOOVectorViewer< T, 1 > CCOOVectorViewer
typedef CSRMatrixViewT< true, Ty > CCSRMatrixView
typedef DenseViewerT< true, T > CDense
typedef Dense1DT< true, T > CDense1D
typedef Dense2DBase< true, T > CDense2D
typedef Dense3DBase< true, T > CDense3D
typedef DenseMatrixViewT< true, Ty > CDenseMatrixView
typedef DenseMatrixViewerT< true, T > CDenseMatrixViewer
typedef DenseVectorViewT< true, Ty > CDenseVectorView
typedef DenseVectorViewerT< true, T > CDenseVectorViewer
typedef DoubletVectorViewT< true, T, N > CDoubletVectorView
typedef DoubletVectorViewerT< true, T, N > CDoubletVectorViewer
typedef COOMatrixViewT< false, Ty > COOMatrixView
typedef BCOOMatrixViewer< T, 1 > COOMatrixViewer
typedef COOVectorViewBase< false, T > COOVectorView
typedef BCOOVectorViewer< T, 1 > COOVectorViewer
typedef CSRMatrixViewT< false, Ty > CSRMatrixView
typedef BSRMatrixViewT< IsConst, Ty, 1 > CSRMatrixViewT
typedef TripletMatrixViewT< true, Ty, N > CTripletMatrixView
typedef TripletMatrixViewerT< true, T, N > CTripletMatrixViewer
typedef VarViewT< true, T > CVarView
typedef ComputeGraphNode< EventRecordNode, ComputeGraphNodeType::EventRecordNode > ComputeGraphEventRecordNode
typedef ComputeGraphNode< EventWaitNode, ComputeGraphNodeType::EventWaitNode > ComputeGraphEventWaitNode
enum ComputeGraphFlag
typedef ComputeGraphNode< KernelNode, ComputeGraphNodeType::KernelNode > ComputeGraphKernelNode
typedef ComputeGraphNode< MemcpyNode, ComputeGraphNodeType::MemcpyNode > ComputeGraphMemcpyNode
typedef ComputeGraphNode< MemsetNode, ComputeGraphNodeType::MemsetNode > ComputeGraphMemsetNode
enum uint8_t ComputeGraphNodeType
enum ComputeGraphPhase
enum char ComputeGraphVarUsage
typedef Tag< Default > DefaultTag
typedef DenseViewerT< false, T > Dense
typedef Dense1DT< false, T > Dense1D
typedef Dense2DBase< false, T > Dense2D
typedef Dense3DBase< false, T > Dense3D
typedef DenseMatrixViewT< false, Ty > DenseMatrixView
typedef DenseMatrixViewerT< false, T > DenseMatrixViewer
typedef DenseVectorViewT< false, Ty > DenseVectorView
typedef DenseVectorViewerT< false, T > DenseVectorViewer
typedef DeviceBCOOMatrix< T, 1 > DeviceCOOMatrix
typedef DeviceBCOOVector< T, 1 > DeviceCOOVector
typedef DeviceBSRMatrix< T, 1 > DeviceCSRMatrix
typedef DoubletVectorViewT< false, T, N > DoubletVectorView
typedef DoubletVectorViewerT< false, T, N > DoubletVectorViewer
enum FieldEntryLayout
enum FieldEntryType
enum GraphInstantiateFlagBit
typedef IdWithType< int32_t > I32IdWithType
typedef IdWithType< int64_t > I64IdWithType
typedef cub::KeyValuePair< Key, Value > KeyValuePair
enum LinearSystemReorderMethod
enum uint16_t LoggerBasicType
typedef void(*)(void *formatter, const void *obj) LoggerFmtArg
enum uint32_t ParallelForType
typedef TripletMatrixViewT< false, Ty, N > TripletMatrixView
typedef TripletMatrixViewerT< false, T, N > TripletMatrixViewer
typedef IdWithType< uint32_t > U32IdWithType
typedef IdWithType< uint64_t > U64IdWithType
typedef VarViewT< false, T > VarView
typedef std::remove_all_extents_t< std::remove_reference_t< T > > raw_type_t
typedef typename read_only_view< T >::type read_only_view_t
typedef typename read_write_view< T >::type read_write_view_t
typedef tcb::span< T > span

Public Attributes

Type Name
bool DEBUG_VIEWER = = config::on(true)
bool TRAP_ON_ERROR = = config::on(true)
bool always_false_v = = always_false<T>::value
bool force_trivial_v = = force_trivial<T>::value
bool force_trivially_constructible_v = = force_trivially_constructible<T>::value
bool force_trivially_copy_assignable_v = =
bool force_trivially_copy_constructible_v = =
bool force_trivially_destructible_v = = force_trivially_destructible<T>::value
bool is_cuda_arch_v = = is_cuda_arch::value
bool is_read_only_view_v = = std::is_same_v<T, read_only_view_t<T>>
bool is_read_write_view_v = = std::is_same_v<T, read_write_view_t<T>>
bool is_trivial_v = = std::is_trivial_v<T> || force_trivial_v<T>
bool is_trivially_constructible_v = =
std::is_trivially_constructible_v<T> || force_trivially_constructible_v<T>
bool is_trivially_copy_assignable_v = =
std::is_trivially_copy_assignable_v<T> || force_trivially_copy_assignable_v<T>
bool is_trivially_copy_constructible_v = =
std::is_trivially_copy_constructible_v<T> || force_trivially_copy_constructible_v<T>
bool is_trivially_destructible_v = =
std::is_trivially_destructible_v<T> || force_trivially_destructible_v<T>
bool is_uniform_view_v = = is_read_only_view_v<T> && is_read_write_view_v<T>

Public Functions

Type Name
MUDA_INLINE MUDA_GENERIC Extent2D as_extent (const Offset2D & offset)
MUDA_INLINE MUDA_GENERIC Extent3D as_extent (const Offset3D & offset)
MUDA_INLINE MUDA_GENERIC Offset2D as_offset (const Extent2D & extent)
MUDA_INLINE MUDA_GENERIC Offset3D as_offset (const Extent3D & extent)
__forceinline__ __device__ T atomic_add (T * address, T val)
__forceinline__ __device__ T atomic_and (T * address, T val)
__forceinline__ __device__ T atomic_cas (T * address, T compare, T val)
__forceinline__ __device__ T atomic_exch (T * address, T val)
__forceinline__ __device__ T atomic_max (T * address, T val)
__forceinline__ __device__ T atomic_min (T * address, T val)
__forceinline__ __device__ T atomic_or (T * address, T val)
__forceinline__ __device__ T atomic_sub (T * address, T val)
__forceinline__ __device__ T atomic_xor (T * address, T val)
MUDA_INLINE MUDA_GENERIC dim3 block_dim ()
MUDA_INLINE MUDA_GENERIC dim3 block_idx ()
__host__ __device__ void check (T result, char const *const func, const char *const file, int const line)
dim3 cube (int x)
cublasOperation_t cublas_trans_operation (bool b)
cudaDataType_t cuda_data_type ()
cusparseIndexType_t cusparse_index_type ()
std::string_view enum_name (ComputeGraphNodeType t)
MUDA_GLOBAL void grid_stride_loop_kernel (ParallelForCallable< F > f)
MUDA_INLINE MUDA_GENERIC decltype(auto) invoke (FHost && host, FDevice && device)
MUDA_INLINE MUDA_GENERIC auto make_cdense (const T * data)
MUDA_INLINE MUDA_GENERIC auto make_cdense_1d (const T * data, int dimx)
MUDA_INLINE MUDA_GENERIC auto make_cdense_1d (const T(&) data)
MUDA_INLINE MUDA_GENERIC auto make_cdense_2d (const T * data, const int2 & dim)
MUDA_INLINE MUDA_GENERIC auto make_cdense_2d (const T * data, int dimx, int dimy)
MUDA_INLINE MUDA_GENERIC auto make_cdense_3d (const T * data, const int3 & dim)
MUDA_INLINE MUDA_GENERIC auto make_cdense_3d (const T * data, int dimx, int dimy, int dimz)
MUDA_INLINE MUDA_GENERIC auto make_dense (T * data)
MUDA_INLINE MUDA_GENERIC auto make_dense_1d (T * data, int dimx)
MUDA_INLINE MUDA_GENERIC auto make_dense_1d (T(&) data)
MUDA_INLINE MUDA_GENERIC auto make_dense_2d (T * data, const int2 & dim)
MUDA_INLINE MUDA_GENERIC auto make_dense_2d (T * data, int dimx, int dimy)
MUDA_INLINE MUDA_GENERIC auto make_dense_3d (T * data, const int3 & dim)
MUDA_INLINE MUDA_GENERIC auto make_dense_3d (T * data, int dimx, int dimy, int dimz)
MUDA_INLINE MUDA_GENERIC Extent2D max (const Extent2D & lhs, const Extent2D & rhs)
MUDA_INLINE MUDA_GENERIC Extent3D max (const Extent3D & lhs, const Extent3D & rhs)
MUDA_INLINE MUDA_GENERIC Offset2D min (const Offset2D & lhs, const Offset2D & rhs)
MUDA_INLINE MUDA_GENERIC Offset3D min (const Offset3D & lhs, const Offset3D & rhs)
MUDA_INLINE MUDA_GENERIC const char * mudaCudaGetErrorEnum (cusolverStatus_t error)
Empty on (::cudaStream_t stream)
Empty on ()
MUDA_INLINE MUDA_GENERIC MUDA_CONSTEXPR Flags< BitType > operator& (BitType bit, Flags< BitType > const & flags)
MUDA_INLINE MUDA_GENERIC int2 operator+ (const int2 & a, const int2 & b)
bool operator< (ComputeGraphVarUsage lhs, ComputeGraphVarUsage rhs)
MUDA_DEVICE LogProxy operator<< (LogProxy o, const Eigen::Matrix< T, M, N > & val)
MUDA_DEVICE LogProxy operator<< (LogProxy o, const Eigen::Map< Eigen::Matrix< T, M, N >, MapOptions, StrideType > & val)
MUDA_DEVICE LogProxy operator<< (LogProxy o, const Eigen::Map< const Eigen::Matrix< T, M, N >, MapOptions, StrideType > & val)
MUDA_DEVICE LogProxy operator<< (LogProxy o, const Eigen::MatrixX< T > & val)
MUDA_DEVICE LogProxy operator<< (LogProxy o, const Eigen::VectorX< T > & val)
MUDA_DEVICE LogProxy operator<< (LogProxy o, const Eigen::RowVectorX< T > & val)
MUDA_INLINE MUDA_DEVICE LogProxy operator<< (LogProxy proxy, char1 val)
MUDA_INLINE MUDA_DEVICE LogProxy operator<< (LogProxy proxy, char2 val)
MUDA_INLINE MUDA_DEVICE LogProxy operator<< (LogProxy proxy, char3 val)
MUDA_INLINE MUDA_DEVICE LogProxy operator<< (LogProxy proxy, char4 val)
MUDA_INLINE MUDA_DEVICE LogProxy operator<< (LogProxy proxy, short1 val)
MUDA_INLINE MUDA_DEVICE LogProxy operator<< (LogProxy proxy, short2 val)
MUDA_INLINE MUDA_DEVICE LogProxy operator<< (LogProxy proxy, short3 val)
MUDA_INLINE MUDA_DEVICE LogProxy operator<< (LogProxy proxy, short4 val)
MUDA_INLINE MUDA_DEVICE LogProxy operator<< (LogProxy proxy, int1 val)
MUDA_INLINE MUDA_DEVICE LogProxy operator<< (LogProxy proxy, int2 val)
MUDA_INLINE MUDA_DEVICE LogProxy operator<< (LogProxy proxy, int3 val)
MUDA_INLINE MUDA_DEVICE LogProxy operator<< (LogProxy proxy, int4 val)
MUDA_INLINE MUDA_DEVICE LogProxy operator<< (LogProxy proxy, long1 val)
MUDA_INLINE MUDA_DEVICE LogProxy operator<< (LogProxy proxy, long2 val)
MUDA_INLINE MUDA_DEVICE LogProxy operator<< (LogProxy proxy, long3 val)
MUDA_INLINE MUDA_DEVICE LogProxy operator<< (LogProxy proxy, long4 val)
MUDA_INLINE MUDA_DEVICE LogProxy operator<< (LogProxy proxy, longlong1 val)
MUDA_INLINE MUDA_DEVICE LogProxy operator<< (LogProxy proxy, longlong2 val)
MUDA_INLINE MUDA_DEVICE LogProxy operator<< (LogProxy proxy, longlong3 val)
MUDA_INLINE MUDA_DEVICE LogProxy operator<< (LogProxy proxy, longlong4 val)
MUDA_INLINE MUDA_DEVICE LogProxy operator<< (LogProxy proxy, uchar1 val)
MUDA_INLINE MUDA_DEVICE LogProxy operator<< (LogProxy proxy, uchar2 val)
MUDA_INLINE MUDA_DEVICE LogProxy operator<< (LogProxy proxy, uchar3 val)
MUDA_INLINE MUDA_DEVICE LogProxy operator<< (LogProxy proxy, uchar4 val)
MUDA_INLINE MUDA_DEVICE LogProxy operator<< (LogProxy proxy, uint1 val)
MUDA_INLINE MUDA_DEVICE LogProxy operator<< (LogProxy proxy, uint2 val)
MUDA_INLINE MUDA_DEVICE LogProxy operator<< (LogProxy proxy, uint3 val)
MUDA_INLINE MUDA_DEVICE LogProxy operator<< (LogProxy proxy, uint4 val)
MUDA_INLINE MUDA_DEVICE LogProxy operator<< (LogProxy proxy, ulong1 val)
MUDA_INLINE MUDA_DEVICE LogProxy operator<< (LogProxy proxy, ulong2 val)
MUDA_INLINE MUDA_DEVICE LogProxy operator<< (LogProxy proxy, ulong3 val)
MUDA_INLINE MUDA_DEVICE LogProxy operator<< (LogProxy proxy, ulong4 val)
MUDA_INLINE MUDA_DEVICE LogProxy operator<< (LogProxy proxy, ulonglong1 val)
MUDA_INLINE MUDA_DEVICE LogProxy operator<< (LogProxy proxy, ulonglong2 val)
MUDA_INLINE MUDA_DEVICE LogProxy operator<< (LogProxy proxy, ulonglong3 val)
MUDA_INLINE MUDA_DEVICE LogProxy operator<< (LogProxy proxy, ulonglong4 val)
MUDA_INLINE MUDA_DEVICE LogProxy operator<< (LogProxy proxy, float1 val)
MUDA_INLINE MUDA_DEVICE LogProxy operator<< (LogProxy proxy, float2 val)
MUDA_INLINE MUDA_DEVICE LogProxy operator<< (LogProxy proxy, float3 val)
MUDA_INLINE MUDA_DEVICE LogProxy operator<< (LogProxy proxy, float4 val)
MUDA_INLINE MUDA_DEVICE LogProxy operator<< (LogProxy proxy, double1 val)
MUDA_INLINE MUDA_DEVICE LogProxy operator<< (LogProxy proxy, double2 val)
MUDA_INLINE MUDA_DEVICE LogProxy operator<< (LogProxy proxy, double3 val)
MUDA_INLINE MUDA_DEVICE LogProxy operator<< (LogProxy proxy, double4 val)
bool operator<= (ComputeGraphVarUsage lhs, ComputeGraphVarUsage rhs)
bool operator== (ComputeGraphVarUsage lhs, ComputeGraphVarUsage rhs)
bool operator> (ComputeGraphVarUsage lhs, ComputeGraphVarUsage rhs)
bool operator>= (ComputeGraphVarUsage lhs, ComputeGraphVarUsage rhs)
MUDA_INLINE MUDA_GENERIC MUDA_CONSTEXPR Flags< BitType > operator^ (BitType bit, Flags< BitType > const & flags)
MUDA_INLINE MUDA_GENERIC MUDA_CONSTEXPR Flags< BitType > operator| (BitType bit, Flags< BitType > const & flags)
MUDA_GLOBAL void parallel_for_kernel (ParallelForCallable< F > f)
MUDA_INLINE MUDA_GENERIC void print (const char *const fmt, Args &&... arg)
MUDA_INLINE MUDA_GENERIC const T & print_check (const T & t)
MUDA_INLINE MUDA_GENERIC auto print_check (const char * t)
MUDA_INLINE MUDA_GENERIC OutType print_convert (const InType & v)
MUDA_INLINE MUDA_GENERIC auto print_convert (const char * v)
MUDA_INLINE MUDA_GENERIC const T & print_convert (const Dense< T > & v)
MUDA_INLINE MUDA_GENERIC const T & print_convert (const CDense< T > & v)
MUDA_HOST double profile_host (F && f)
MUDA_GENERIC MUDA_INLINE constexpr T * remove_const (const T * ptr) noexcept
MUDA_GENERIC MUDA_INLINE constexpr T & remove_const (const T & ref) noexcept
dim3 square (int x)
MUDA_INLINE MUDA_GENERIC dim3 thread_idx ()
void wait_device ()
void wait_event (cudaEvent_t event)
void wait_stream (::cudaStream_t stream)

Public Types Documentation

typedef BCOOMatrixView

using muda::BCOOMatrixView =  TripletMatrixView<T, N>;

typedef BCOOMatrixViewer

using muda::BCOOMatrixViewer =  CTripletMatrixViewer<T, N>;

typedef BCOOVectorView

using muda::BCOOVectorView =  DoubletVectorView<T, N>;

typedef BCOOVectorViewer

using muda::BCOOVectorViewer =  CDoubletVectorViewer<T, N>;

typedef BSRMatrixView

using muda::BSRMatrixView =  BSRMatrixViewT<false, Ty, N>;

typedef Buffer2DView

using muda::Buffer2DView =  Buffer2DViewT<false, T>;

typedef Buffer3DView

using muda::Buffer3DView =  Buffer3DViewT<false, T>;

typedef BufferView

using muda::BufferView =  BufferViewT<false, T>;

typedef CBCOOMatrixView

using muda::CBCOOMatrixView =  CTripletMatrixView<T, N>;

typedef CBCOOMatrixViewer

using muda::CBCOOMatrixViewer =  CTripletMatrixViewer<T, N>;

typedef CBCOOVectorView

using muda::CBCOOVectorView =  CDoubletVectorView<T, N>;

typedef CBCOOVectorViewer

using muda::CBCOOVectorViewer =  CDoubletVectorViewer<T, N>;

typedef CBSRMatrixView

using muda::CBSRMatrixView =  BSRMatrixViewT<true, Ty, N>;

typedef CBuffer2DView

using muda::CBuffer2DView =  Buffer2DViewT<true, T>;

typedef CBuffer3DView

using muda::CBuffer3DView =  Buffer3DViewT<true, T>;

typedef CBufferView

using muda::CBufferView =  BufferViewT<true, T>;

typedef CCOOMatrixView

using muda::CCOOMatrixView =  COOMatrixViewT<true, Ty>;

typedef CCOOMatrixViewer

using muda::CCOOMatrixViewer =  CBCOOMatrixViewer<T, 1>;

typedef CCOOVectorView

using muda::CCOOVectorView =  COOVectorViewBase<true, T>;

typedef CCOOVectorViewer

using muda::CCOOVectorViewer =  CBCOOVectorViewer<T, 1>;

typedef CCSRMatrixView

using muda::CCSRMatrixView =  CSRMatrixViewT<true, Ty>;

typedef CDense

using muda::CDense =  DenseViewerT<true, T>;

typedef CDense1D

using muda::CDense1D =  Dense1DT<true, T>;

typedef CDense2D

using muda::CDense2D =  Dense2DBase<true, T>;

typedef CDense3D

using muda::CDense3D =  Dense3DBase<true, T>;

typedef CDenseMatrixView

using muda::CDenseMatrixView =  DenseMatrixViewT<true, Ty>;

typedef CDenseMatrixViewer

using muda::CDenseMatrixViewer =  DenseMatrixViewerT<true, T>;

typedef CDenseVectorView

using muda::CDenseVectorView =  DenseVectorViewT<true, Ty>;

typedef CDenseVectorViewer

using muda::CDenseVectorViewer =  DenseVectorViewerT<true, T>;

typedef CDoubletVectorView

using muda::CDoubletVectorView =  DoubletVectorViewT<true, T, N>;

typedef CDoubletVectorViewer

using muda::CDoubletVectorViewer =  DoubletVectorViewerT<true, T, N>;

typedef COOMatrixView

using muda::COOMatrixView =  COOMatrixViewT<false, Ty>;

typedef COOMatrixViewer

using muda::COOMatrixViewer =  BCOOMatrixViewer<T, 1>;

typedef COOVectorView

using muda::COOVectorView =  COOVectorViewBase<false, T>;

typedef COOVectorViewer

using muda::COOVectorViewer =  BCOOVectorViewer<T, 1>;

typedef CSRMatrixView

using muda::CSRMatrixView =  CSRMatrixViewT<false, Ty>;

typedef CSRMatrixViewT

using muda::CSRMatrixViewT =  BSRMatrixViewT<IsConst, Ty, 1>;

typedef CTripletMatrixView

using muda::CTripletMatrixView =  TripletMatrixViewT<true, Ty, N>;

typedef CTripletMatrixViewer

using muda::CTripletMatrixViewer =  TripletMatrixViewerT<true, T, N>;

typedef CVarView

using muda::CVarView =  VarViewT<true, T>;

typedef ComputeGraphEventRecordNode

using muda::ComputeGraphEventRecordNode = 
    ComputeGraphNode<EventRecordNode, ComputeGraphNodeType::EventRecordNode>;

typedef ComputeGraphEventWaitNode

using muda::ComputeGraphEventWaitNode = 
    ComputeGraphNode<EventWaitNode, ComputeGraphNodeType::EventWaitNode>;

enum ComputeGraphFlag

enum muda::ComputeGraphFlag {
    HostLaunch = 1,
    DeviceLaunch = 2 | HostLaunch

typedef ComputeGraphKernelNode

using muda::ComputeGraphKernelNode = 
    ComputeGraphNode<KernelNode, ComputeGraphNodeType::KernelNode>;

typedef ComputeGraphMemcpyNode

using muda::ComputeGraphMemcpyNode = 
    ComputeGraphNode<MemcpyNode, ComputeGraphNodeType::MemcpyNode>;

typedef ComputeGraphMemsetNode

using muda::ComputeGraphMemsetNode = 
    ComputeGraphNode<MemsetNode, ComputeGraphNodeType::MemsetNode>;

enum ComputeGraphNodeType

enum muda::ComputeGraphNodeType {

enum ComputeGraphPhase

enum muda::ComputeGraphPhase {

enum ComputeGraphVarUsage

enum muda::ComputeGraphVarUsage {

typedef DefaultTag

using muda::DefaultTag =  Tag<Default>;

typedef Dense

using muda::Dense =  DenseViewerT<false, T>;

typedef Dense1D

using muda::Dense1D =  Dense1DT<false, T>;

typedef Dense2D

using muda::Dense2D =  Dense2DBase<false, T>;

typedef Dense3D

using muda::Dense3D =  Dense3DBase<false, T>;

typedef DenseMatrixView

using muda::DenseMatrixView =  DenseMatrixViewT<false, Ty>;

typedef DenseMatrixViewer

using muda::DenseMatrixViewer =  DenseMatrixViewerT<false, T>;

typedef DenseVectorView

using muda::DenseVectorView =  DenseVectorViewT<false, Ty>;

typedef DenseVectorViewer

using muda::DenseVectorViewer =  DenseVectorViewerT<false, T>;

typedef DeviceCOOMatrix

using muda::DeviceCOOMatrix =  DeviceBCOOMatrix<T, 1>;

typedef DeviceCOOVector

using muda::DeviceCOOVector =  DeviceBCOOVector<T, 1>;

typedef DeviceCSRMatrix

using muda::DeviceCSRMatrix =  DeviceBSRMatrix<T, 1>;

typedef DoubletVectorView

using muda::DoubletVectorView =  DoubletVectorViewT<false, T, N>;

typedef DoubletVectorViewer

using muda::DoubletVectorViewer =  DoubletVectorViewerT<false, T, N>;

enum FieldEntryLayout

enum muda::FieldEntryLayout {

enum FieldEntryType

enum muda::FieldEntryType {

enum GraphInstantiateFlagBit

enum muda::GraphInstantiateFlagBit {
    FreeOnLaunch = CUgraphInstantiate_flags::CUDA_GRAPH_INSTANTIATE_FLAG_AUTO_FREE_ON_LAUNCH,
    Upload = 2,
    DeviceLaunch = 4,
    UseNodePriority = 8

typedef I32IdWithType

using muda::I32IdWithType =  IdWithType<int32_t>;

typedef I64IdWithType

using muda::I64IdWithType =  IdWithType<int64_t>;

typedef KeyValuePair

using muda::KeyValuePair =  cub::KeyValuePair<Key, Value>;

enum LinearSystemReorderMethod

enum muda::LinearSystemReorderMethod {
    None = 0,
    Symrcm = 1,
    Symamd = 2,
    Csrmetisnd = 3

enum LoggerBasicType

enum muda::LoggerBasicType {
    Int32 = Int,
    UInt32 = UInt,

typedef LoggerFmtArg

using muda::LoggerFmtArg =  void (*)(void* formatter, const void* obj);

enum ParallelForType

enum muda::ParallelForType {

typedef TripletMatrixView

using muda::TripletMatrixView =  TripletMatrixViewT<false, Ty, N>;

typedef TripletMatrixViewer

using muda::TripletMatrixViewer =  TripletMatrixViewerT<false, T, N>;

typedef U32IdWithType

using muda::U32IdWithType =  IdWithType<uint32_t>;

typedef U64IdWithType

using muda::U64IdWithType =  IdWithType<uint64_t>;

typedef VarView

using muda::VarView =  VarViewT<false, T>;

typedef raw_type_t

using muda::raw_type_t =  std::remove_all_extents_t<std::remove_reference_t<T>>;

typedef read_only_view_t

using muda::read_only_view_t =  typename read_only_view<T>::type;

typedef read_write_view_t

using muda::read_write_view_t =  typename read_write_view<T>::type;

typedef span

using muda::span =  tcb::span<T>;

Public Attributes Documentation


bool muda::COMPUTE_GRAPH_ON;


bool muda::DEBUG_VIEWER;










bool muda::RUNTIME_CHECK_ON;

variable TRAP_ON_ERROR

bool muda::TRAP_ON_ERROR;

variable always_false_v

bool muda::always_false_v;

variable force_trivial_v

bool muda::force_trivial_v;

variable force_trivially_constructible_v

bool muda::force_trivially_constructible_v;

variable force_trivially_copy_assignable_v

bool muda::force_trivially_copy_assignable_v;

variable force_trivially_copy_constructible_v

bool muda::force_trivially_copy_constructible_v;

variable force_trivially_destructible_v

bool muda::force_trivially_destructible_v;

variable is_cuda_arch_v

bool muda::is_cuda_arch_v;

variable is_read_only_view_v

bool muda::is_read_only_view_v;

variable is_read_write_view_v

bool muda::is_read_write_view_v;

variable is_trivial_v

bool muda::is_trivial_v;

variable is_trivially_constructible_v

bool muda::is_trivially_constructible_v;

variable is_trivially_copy_assignable_v

bool muda::is_trivially_copy_assignable_v;

variable is_trivially_copy_constructible_v

bool muda::is_trivially_copy_constructible_v;

variable is_trivially_destructible_v

bool muda::is_trivially_destructible_v;

variable is_uniform_view_v

bool muda::is_uniform_view_v;

Public Functions Documentation









function as_extent

MUDA_INLINE MUDA_GENERIC Extent2D muda::as_extent (
    const Offset2D & offset

function as_extent

MUDA_INLINE MUDA_GENERIC Extent3D muda::as_extent (
    const Offset3D & offset

function as_offset

MUDA_INLINE MUDA_GENERIC Offset2D muda::as_offset (
    const Extent2D & extent

function as_offset

MUDA_INLINE MUDA_GENERIC Offset3D muda::as_offset (
    const Extent3D & extent

function atomic_add

template<typename T>
__forceinline__ __device__ T muda::atomic_add (
    T * address,
    T val

function atomic_and

template<typename T>
__forceinline__ __device__ T muda::atomic_and (
    T * address,
    T val

function atomic_cas

template<typename T>
__forceinline__ __device__ T muda::atomic_cas (
    T * address,
    T compare,
    T val

function atomic_exch

template<typename T>
__forceinline__ __device__ T muda::atomic_exch (
    T * address,
    T val

function atomic_max

template<typename T>
__forceinline__ __device__ T muda::atomic_max (
    T * address,
    T val

function atomic_min

template<typename T>
__forceinline__ __device__ T muda::atomic_min (
    T * address,
    T val

function atomic_or

template<typename T>
__forceinline__ __device__ T muda::atomic_or (
    T * address,
    T val

function atomic_sub

template<typename T>
__forceinline__ __device__ T muda::atomic_sub (
    T * address,
    T val

function atomic_xor

template<typename T>
__forceinline__ __device__ T muda::atomic_xor (
    T * address,
    T val

function block_dim

MUDA_INLINE MUDA_GENERIC dim3 muda::block_dim () 

function block_idx

MUDA_INLINE MUDA_GENERIC dim3 muda::block_idx () 

function brkpt

MUDA_INLINE MUDA_GENERIC void muda::brkpt () 

function check

template<typename T>
inline __host__ __device__ void muda::check (
    T result,
    char const *const func,
    const char *const file,
    int const line

function cube

dim3 muda::cube (
    int x

function cublas_trans_operation

cublasOperation_t muda::cublas_trans_operation (
    bool b

function cuda_data_type

template<typename T>
inline cudaDataType_t muda::cuda_data_type () 

function cusparse_index_type

template<typename T>
cusparseIndexType_t muda::cusparse_index_type () 

function enum_name

inline std::string_view muda::enum_name (
    ComputeGraphNodeType t

function grid_dim

MUDA_INLINE MUDA_GENERIC dim3 muda::grid_dim () 

function grid_stride_loop_kernel

template<typename F, typename UserTag>
MUDA_GLOBAL void muda::grid_stride_loop_kernel (
    ParallelForCallable< F > f

function invoke

template<typename FHost, typename FDevice>
MUDA_INLINE MUDA_GENERIC decltype(auto) muda::invoke (
    FHost && host,
    FDevice && device

function make_cdense

template<typename T>
MUDA_INLINE MUDA_GENERIC auto muda::make_cdense (
    const T * data

function make_cdense_1d

template<typename T>
MUDA_INLINE MUDA_GENERIC auto muda::make_cdense_1d (
    const T * data,
    int dimx

function make_cdense_1d

template<typename T, int N>
MUDA_INLINE MUDA_GENERIC auto muda::make_cdense_1d (
    const T(&) data

function make_cdense_2d

template<typename T>
MUDA_INLINE MUDA_GENERIC auto muda::make_cdense_2d (
    const T * data,
    const int2 & dim

function make_cdense_2d

template<typename T>
MUDA_INLINE MUDA_GENERIC auto muda::make_cdense_2d (
    const T * data,
    int dimx,
    int dimy

function make_cdense_3d

template<typename T>
MUDA_INLINE MUDA_GENERIC auto muda::make_cdense_3d (
    const T * data,
    const int3 & dim

function make_cdense_3d

template<typename T>
MUDA_INLINE MUDA_GENERIC auto muda::make_cdense_3d (
    const T * data,
    int dimx,
    int dimy,
    int dimz

function make_dense

template<typename T>
MUDA_INLINE MUDA_GENERIC auto muda::make_dense (
    T * data

function make_dense_1d

template<typename T>
MUDA_INLINE MUDA_GENERIC auto muda::make_dense_1d (
    T * data,
    int dimx

function make_dense_1d

template<typename T, int N>
MUDA_INLINE MUDA_GENERIC auto muda::make_dense_1d (
    T(&) data

function make_dense_2d

template<typename T>
MUDA_INLINE MUDA_GENERIC auto muda::make_dense_2d (
    T * data,
    const int2 & dim

function make_dense_2d

template<typename T>
MUDA_INLINE MUDA_GENERIC auto muda::make_dense_2d (
    T * data,
    int dimx,
    int dimy

function make_dense_3d

template<typename T>
MUDA_INLINE MUDA_GENERIC auto muda::make_dense_3d (
    T * data,
    const int3 & dim

function make_dense_3d

template<typename T>
MUDA_INLINE MUDA_GENERIC auto muda::make_dense_3d (
    T * data,
    int dimx,
    int dimy,
    int dimz

function max

    const Extent2D & lhs,
    const Extent2D & rhs

function max

    const Extent3D & lhs,
    const Extent3D & rhs

function min

    const Offset2D & lhs,
    const Offset2D & rhs

function min

    const Offset3D & lhs,
    const Offset3D & rhs

function mudaCudaGetErrorEnum

MUDA_INLINE MUDA_GENERIC const char * muda::mudaCudaGetErrorEnum (
    cusolverStatus_t error

function on

Empty muda::on (
    ::cudaStream_t stream

function on

Empty muda::on () 

function operator&

template<typename BitType>
MUDA_INLINE MUDA_GENERIC MUDA_CONSTEXPR Flags < BitType > muda::operator& (
    BitType bit,
    Flags < BitType > const & flags

function operator+

MUDA_INLINE MUDA_GENERIC int2 muda::operator+ (
    const int2 & a,
    const int2 & b

function operator<

inline bool muda::operator< (
    ComputeGraphVarUsage lhs,
    ComputeGraphVarUsage rhs

function operator<<

template<typename T, int M, int N>
MUDA_DEVICE LogProxy muda::operator<< (
    LogProxy o,
    const Eigen::Matrix< T, M, N > & val

function operator<<

template<typename T, int M, int N, int MapOptions, typename StrideType>
MUDA_DEVICE LogProxy muda::operator<< (
    LogProxy o,
    const Eigen::Map< Eigen::Matrix< T, M, N >, MapOptions, StrideType > & val

function operator<<

template<typename T, int M, int N, int MapOptions, typename StrideType>
MUDA_DEVICE LogProxy muda::operator<< (
    LogProxy o,
    const Eigen::Map< const Eigen::Matrix< T, M, N >, MapOptions, StrideType > & val

function operator<<

template<typename T>
MUDA_DEVICE LogProxy muda::operator<< (
    LogProxy o,
    const Eigen::MatrixX< T > & val

function operator<<

template<typename T>
MUDA_DEVICE LogProxy muda::operator<< (
    LogProxy o,
    const Eigen::VectorX< T > & val

function operator<<

template<typename T>
MUDA_DEVICE LogProxy muda::operator<< (
    LogProxy o,
    const Eigen::RowVectorX< T > & val

function operator<<

MUDA_INLINE MUDA_DEVICE LogProxy muda::operator<< (
    LogProxy proxy,
    char1 val

function operator<<

MUDA_INLINE MUDA_DEVICE LogProxy muda::operator<< (
    LogProxy proxy,
    char2 val

function operator<<

MUDA_INLINE MUDA_DEVICE LogProxy muda::operator<< (
    LogProxy proxy,
    char3 val

function operator<<

MUDA_INLINE MUDA_DEVICE LogProxy muda::operator<< (
    LogProxy proxy,
    char4 val

function operator<<

MUDA_INLINE MUDA_DEVICE LogProxy muda::operator<< (
    LogProxy proxy,
    short1 val

function operator<<

MUDA_INLINE MUDA_DEVICE LogProxy muda::operator<< (
    LogProxy proxy,
    short2 val

function operator<<

MUDA_INLINE MUDA_DEVICE LogProxy muda::operator<< (
    LogProxy proxy,
    short3 val

function operator<<

MUDA_INLINE MUDA_DEVICE LogProxy muda::operator<< (
    LogProxy proxy,
    short4 val

function operator<<

MUDA_INLINE MUDA_DEVICE LogProxy muda::operator<< (
    LogProxy proxy,
    int1 val

function operator<<

MUDA_INLINE MUDA_DEVICE LogProxy muda::operator<< (
    LogProxy proxy,
    int2 val

function operator<<

MUDA_INLINE MUDA_DEVICE LogProxy muda::operator<< (
    LogProxy proxy,
    int3 val

function operator<<

MUDA_INLINE MUDA_DEVICE LogProxy muda::operator<< (
    LogProxy proxy,
    int4 val

function operator<<

MUDA_INLINE MUDA_DEVICE LogProxy muda::operator<< (
    LogProxy proxy,
    long1 val

function operator<<

MUDA_INLINE MUDA_DEVICE LogProxy muda::operator<< (
    LogProxy proxy,
    long2 val

function operator<<

MUDA_INLINE MUDA_DEVICE LogProxy muda::operator<< (
    LogProxy proxy,
    long3 val

function operator<<

MUDA_INLINE MUDA_DEVICE LogProxy muda::operator<< (
    LogProxy proxy,
    long4 val

function operator<<

MUDA_INLINE MUDA_DEVICE LogProxy muda::operator<< (
    LogProxy proxy,
    longlong1 val

function operator<<

MUDA_INLINE MUDA_DEVICE LogProxy muda::operator<< (
    LogProxy proxy,
    longlong2 val

function operator<<

MUDA_INLINE MUDA_DEVICE LogProxy muda::operator<< (
    LogProxy proxy,
    longlong3 val

function operator<<

MUDA_INLINE MUDA_DEVICE LogProxy muda::operator<< (
    LogProxy proxy,
    longlong4 val

function operator<<

MUDA_INLINE MUDA_DEVICE LogProxy muda::operator<< (
    LogProxy proxy,
    uchar1 val

function operator<<

MUDA_INLINE MUDA_DEVICE LogProxy muda::operator<< (
    LogProxy proxy,
    uchar2 val

function operator<<

MUDA_INLINE MUDA_DEVICE LogProxy muda::operator<< (
    LogProxy proxy,
    uchar3 val

function operator<<

MUDA_INLINE MUDA_DEVICE LogProxy muda::operator<< (
    LogProxy proxy,
    uchar4 val

function operator<<

MUDA_INLINE MUDA_DEVICE LogProxy muda::operator<< (
    LogProxy proxy,
    uint1 val

function operator<<

MUDA_INLINE MUDA_DEVICE LogProxy muda::operator<< (
    LogProxy proxy,
    uint2 val

function operator<<

MUDA_INLINE MUDA_DEVICE LogProxy muda::operator<< (
    LogProxy proxy,
    uint3 val

function operator<<

MUDA_INLINE MUDA_DEVICE LogProxy muda::operator<< (
    LogProxy proxy,
    uint4 val

function operator<<

MUDA_INLINE MUDA_DEVICE LogProxy muda::operator<< (
    LogProxy proxy,
    ulong1 val

function operator<<

MUDA_INLINE MUDA_DEVICE LogProxy muda::operator<< (
    LogProxy proxy,
    ulong2 val

function operator<<

MUDA_INLINE MUDA_DEVICE LogProxy muda::operator<< (
    LogProxy proxy,
    ulong3 val

function operator<<

MUDA_INLINE MUDA_DEVICE LogProxy muda::operator<< (
    LogProxy proxy,
    ulong4 val

function operator<<

MUDA_INLINE MUDA_DEVICE LogProxy muda::operator<< (
    LogProxy proxy,
    ulonglong1 val

function operator<<

MUDA_INLINE MUDA_DEVICE LogProxy muda::operator<< (
    LogProxy proxy,
    ulonglong2 val

function operator<<

MUDA_INLINE MUDA_DEVICE LogProxy muda::operator<< (
    LogProxy proxy,
    ulonglong3 val

function operator<<

MUDA_INLINE MUDA_DEVICE LogProxy muda::operator<< (
    LogProxy proxy,
    ulonglong4 val

function operator<<

MUDA_INLINE MUDA_DEVICE LogProxy muda::operator<< (
    LogProxy proxy,
    float1 val

function operator<<

MUDA_INLINE MUDA_DEVICE LogProxy muda::operator<< (
    LogProxy proxy,
    float2 val

function operator<<

MUDA_INLINE MUDA_DEVICE LogProxy muda::operator<< (
    LogProxy proxy,
    float3 val

function operator<<

MUDA_INLINE MUDA_DEVICE LogProxy muda::operator<< (
    LogProxy proxy,
    float4 val

function operator<<

MUDA_INLINE MUDA_DEVICE LogProxy muda::operator<< (
    LogProxy proxy,
    double1 val

function operator<<

MUDA_INLINE MUDA_DEVICE LogProxy muda::operator<< (
    LogProxy proxy,
    double2 val

function operator<<

MUDA_INLINE MUDA_DEVICE LogProxy muda::operator<< (
    LogProxy proxy,
    double3 val

function operator<<

MUDA_INLINE MUDA_DEVICE LogProxy muda::operator<< (
    LogProxy proxy,
    double4 val

function operator<=

inline bool muda::operator<= (
    ComputeGraphVarUsage lhs,
    ComputeGraphVarUsage rhs

function operator==

inline bool muda::operator== (
    ComputeGraphVarUsage lhs,
    ComputeGraphVarUsage rhs

function operator>

inline bool muda::operator> (
    ComputeGraphVarUsage lhs,
    ComputeGraphVarUsage rhs

function operator>=

inline bool muda::operator>= (
    ComputeGraphVarUsage lhs,
    ComputeGraphVarUsage rhs

function operator^

template<typename BitType>
MUDA_INLINE MUDA_GENERIC MUDA_CONSTEXPR Flags < BitType > muda::operator^ (
    BitType bit,
    Flags < BitType > const & flags

function operator|

template<typename BitType>
MUDA_INLINE MUDA_GENERIC MUDA_CONSTEXPR Flags < BitType > muda::operator| (
    BitType bit,
    Flags < BitType > const & flags

function parallel_for_kernel

template<typename F, typename UserTag>
MUDA_GLOBAL void muda::parallel_for_kernel (
    ParallelForCallable< F > f

function print

template<typename... Args>
MUDA_INLINE MUDA_GENERIC void muda::print (
    const char *const fmt,
    Args &&... arg

function print_check

template<typename T>
MUDA_INLINE MUDA_GENERIC const T & muda::print_check (
    const T & t

function print_check

MUDA_INLINE MUDA_GENERIC auto muda::print_check (
    const char * t

function print_convert

template<typename InType, typename OutType>
MUDA_INLINE MUDA_GENERIC OutType muda::print_convert (
    const InType & v

function print_convert

MUDA_INLINE MUDA_GENERIC auto muda::print_convert (
    const char * v

function print_convert

template<typename T>
MUDA_INLINE MUDA_GENERIC const T & muda::print_convert (
    const Dense < T > & v

function print_convert

template<typename T>
MUDA_INLINE MUDA_GENERIC const T & muda::print_convert (
    const CDense < T > & v

function profile_host

template<typename F>
MUDA_HOST double muda::profile_host (
    F && f

function remove_const

template<typename T>
MUDA_GENERIC MUDA_INLINE constexpr T * muda::remove_const (
    const T * ptr
) noexcept

function remove_const

template<typename T>
MUDA_GENERIC MUDA_INLINE constexpr T & muda::remove_const (
    const T & ref
) noexcept

function square

dim3 muda::square (
    int x

function thread_idx

MUDA_INLINE MUDA_GENERIC dim3 muda::thread_idx () 

function trap

MUDA_INLINE MUDA_GENERIC void muda::trap () 

function wait_device

void muda::wait_device () 

function wait_event

void muda::wait_event (
    cudaEvent_t event

function wait_stream

void muda::wait_stream (
    ::cudaStream_t stream

The documentation for this class was generated from the following file src/muda/assert.h