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Dir src/muda/buffer

FileList > buffer


Type Name
file agent.h
file buffer_2d_view.h
file buffer_3d_view.h
file buffer_fwd.h
file buffer_info_accessor.h
file buffer_launch.h
file buffer_view.h
A view interface for any array-like liner memory, which can be constructed from DeviceBuffer/DeviceVector or any thing that is a array-like liner memory, e.g. raw cuda pointer.
file device_buffer.h
A light-weight wrapper of cuda device memory. Like std::vector , allow user to resize, reserve, shrink_to_fit, fill, also provide muda viewer for in-kernel access.
file device_buffer_2d.h
file device_buffer_3d.h
A light-weight wrapper of cuda device memory3D, allows user to resize, reserve, shrink_to_fit, fill, also provide muda viewer for in-kernel access.
file device_var.h
file graph_buffer_2d_view.h
file graph_buffer_3d_view.h
file graph_buffer_view.h
file graph_var_view.h
file var_view.h


Type Name
dir agent
dir reshape_nd

The documentation for this class was generated from the following file src/muda/buffer/