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Class muda::ViewBase

template <bool IsConst_>

ClassList > muda > ViewBase

Public Types

Type Name
typedef std::conditional_t< IsConst, const T, T > auto_const_t
typedef std::enable_if_t< IsNonConst, T > non_const_enable_t

Public Static Attributes

Type Name
bool IsConst = = IsConst_
bool IsNonConst = = !IsConst_

Public Types Documentation

typedef auto_const_t

using muda::ViewBase< IsConst_ >::auto_const_t =  std::conditional_t<IsConst, const T, T>;

typedef non_const_enable_t

using muda::ViewBase< IsConst_ >::non_const_enable_t =  std::enable_if_t<IsNonConst, T>;

Public Static Attributes Documentation

variable IsConst

bool muda::ViewBase< IsConst_ >::IsConst;

variable IsNonConst

bool muda::ViewBase< IsConst_ >::IsNonConst;

The documentation for this class was generated from the following file src/muda/view/view_base.h