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Class muda::DoubletVectorViewT

template <bool IsConst, typename T, int N>

ClassList > muda > DoubletVectorViewT

Inherits the following classes: muda::ViewBase

Public Types

Type Name
typedef DoubletVectorViewT< true, T, N > ConstView
typedef CDoubletVectorViewer< T, N > ConstViewer
typedef DoubletVectorViewT< false, T, N > NonConstView
typedef DoubletVectorViewer< T, N > NonConstViewer
typedef Eigen::Matrix< T, N, 1 > SegmentVector
typedef DoubletVectorViewT< IsConst, T, N > ThisView
typedef std::conditional_t< IsConst, ConstViewer, NonConstViewer > ThisViewer

Public Types inherited from muda::ViewBase

See muda::ViewBase

Type Name
typedef std::conditional_t< IsConst, const T, T > auto_const_t
typedef std::enable_if_t< IsNonConst, T > non_const_enable_t

Public Static Attributes inherited from muda::ViewBase

See muda::ViewBase

Type Name
bool IsConst = = IsConst_
bool IsNonConst = = !IsConst_

Public Functions

Type Name
MUDA_GENERIC DoubletVectorViewT () = default
MUDA_GENERIC DoubletVectorViewT (int total_segment_count, int doublet_index_offset, int doublet_count, int total_doublet_count, int subvector_offset, int subvector_extent, auto_const_t< int > * segment_indices, auto_const_t< SegmentVector > * segment_values)
MUDA_GENERIC DoubletVectorViewT (int total_segment_count, int total_doublet_count, auto_const_t< int > * segment_indices, auto_const_t< SegmentVector > * segment_values)
MUDA_GENERIC DoubletVectorViewT (const DoubletVectorViewT< OtherIsConst, T, N > & other) noexcept
MUDA_GENERIC ConstView as_const () noexcept const
MUDA_GENERIC ConstViewer cviewer () noexcept const
MUDA_GENERIC int doublet_count () noexcept const
MUDA_GENERIC int extent () noexcept const
MUDA_GENERIC auto subvector (int offset, int extent) noexcept const
MUDA_GENERIC int subvector_offset () noexcept const
MUDA_GENERIC ThisView subview (int offset, int count) noexcept const
MUDA_GENERIC ThisView subview (int offset) noexcept const
MUDA_GENERIC int total_doublet_count () noexcept const
MUDA_GENERIC int total_extent () noexcept const
MUDA_GENERIC ThisViewer viewer () noexcept

Protected Attributes

Type Name
int m_doublet_count = = 0
int m_doublet_index_offset = = 0
auto_const_t< int > * m_segment_indices
auto_const_t< SegmentVector > * m_segment_values
int m_subvector_extent = = 0
int m_subvector_offset = = 0
int m_total_doublet_count = = 0
int m_total_segment_count = = 0

Public Types Documentation

typedef ConstView

using muda::DoubletVectorViewT< IsConst, T, N >::ConstView =  DoubletVectorViewT<true, T, N>;

typedef ConstViewer

using muda::DoubletVectorViewT< IsConst, T, N >::ConstViewer =  CDoubletVectorViewer<T, N>;

typedef NonConstView

using muda::DoubletVectorViewT< IsConst, T, N >::NonConstView =  DoubletVectorViewT<false, T, N>;

typedef NonConstViewer

using muda::DoubletVectorViewT< IsConst, T, N >::NonConstViewer =  DoubletVectorViewer<T, N>;

typedef SegmentVector

using muda::DoubletVectorViewT< IsConst, T, N >::SegmentVector =  Eigen::Matrix<T, N, 1>;

typedef ThisView

using muda::DoubletVectorViewT< IsConst, T, N >::ThisView =  DoubletVectorViewT<IsConst, T, N>;

typedef ThisViewer

using muda::DoubletVectorViewT< IsConst, T, N >::ThisViewer =  std::conditional_t<IsConst, ConstViewer, NonConstViewer>;

Public Functions Documentation

function DoubletVectorViewT [2/5]

MUDA_GENERIC muda::DoubletVectorViewT::DoubletVectorViewT () = default

function DoubletVectorViewT [3/5]

inline MUDA_GENERIC muda::DoubletVectorViewT::DoubletVectorViewT (
    int total_segment_count,
    int doublet_index_offset,
    int doublet_count,
    int total_doublet_count,
    int subvector_offset,
    int subvector_extent,
    auto_const_t< int > * segment_indices,
    auto_const_t< SegmentVector > * segment_values

function DoubletVectorViewT [4/5]

inline MUDA_GENERIC muda::DoubletVectorViewT::DoubletVectorViewT (
    int total_segment_count,
    int total_doublet_count,
    auto_const_t< int > * segment_indices,
    auto_const_t< SegmentVector > * segment_values

function DoubletVectorViewT [5/5]

template<bool OtherIsConst>
inline MUDA_GENERIC muda::DoubletVectorViewT::DoubletVectorViewT (
    const DoubletVectorViewT < OtherIsConst, T, N > & other
) noexcept

function as_const

inline MUDA_GENERIC ConstView muda::DoubletVectorViewT::as_const () noexcept const

function cviewer

inline MUDA_GENERIC ConstViewer muda::DoubletVectorViewT::cviewer () noexcept const

function doublet_count

inline MUDA_GENERIC int muda::DoubletVectorViewT::doublet_count () noexcept const

function extent

inline MUDA_GENERIC int muda::DoubletVectorViewT::extent () noexcept const

function subvector

inline MUDA_GENERIC auto muda::DoubletVectorViewT::subvector (
    int offset,
    int extent
) noexcept const

function subvector_offset

inline MUDA_GENERIC int muda::DoubletVectorViewT::subvector_offset () noexcept const

function subview [1/2]

inline MUDA_GENERIC ThisView muda::DoubletVectorViewT::subview (
    int offset,
    int count
) noexcept const

function subview [2/2]

inline MUDA_GENERIC ThisView muda::DoubletVectorViewT::subview (
    int offset
) noexcept const

function total_doublet_count

inline MUDA_GENERIC int muda::DoubletVectorViewT::total_doublet_count () noexcept const

function total_extent

inline MUDA_GENERIC int muda::DoubletVectorViewT::total_extent () noexcept const

function viewer

inline MUDA_GENERIC ThisViewer muda::DoubletVectorViewT::viewer () noexcept

Protected Attributes Documentation

variable m_doublet_count

int muda::DoubletVectorViewT< IsConst, T, N >::m_doublet_count;

variable m_doublet_index_offset

int muda::DoubletVectorViewT< IsConst, T, N >::m_doublet_index_offset;

variable m_segment_indices

auto_const_t<int>* muda::DoubletVectorViewT< IsConst, T, N >::m_segment_indices;

variable m_segment_values

auto_const_t<SegmentVector>* muda::DoubletVectorViewT< IsConst, T, N >::m_segment_values;

variable m_subvector_extent

int muda::DoubletVectorViewT< IsConst, T, N >::m_subvector_extent;

variable m_subvector_offset

int muda::DoubletVectorViewT< IsConst, T, N >::m_subvector_offset;

variable m_total_doublet_count

int muda::DoubletVectorViewT< IsConst, T, N >::m_total_doublet_count;

variable m_total_segment_count

int muda::DoubletVectorViewT< IsConst, T, N >::m_total_segment_count;

The documentation for this class was generated from the following file src/muda/ext/linear_system/doublet_vector_view.h