File bvh_viewer.h
File List > ext > geo > lbvh > bvh_viewer.h
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#pragma once
#include <muda/viewer/viewer_base.h>
#include <muda/container/vector.h>
#include <muda/ext/geo/lbvh/aabb.h>
#include <muda/ext/geo/lbvh/morton_code.h>
#include <muda/ext/geo/lbvh/predicator.h>
namespace muda::lbvh
template <typename Real, typename Object, typename AABBGetter, typename MortonCodeCalculator>
class BVH;
namespace details
struct Node
std::uint32_t parent_idx; // parent node
std::uint32_t left_idx; // index of left child node
std::uint32_t right_idx; // index of right child node
std::uint32_t object_idx; // == 0xFFFFFFFF if internal node.
template <typename UInt>
MUDA_GENERIC uint2 determine_range(UInt const* node_code, const uint32_t num_leaves, uint32_t idx)
if(idx == 0)
return make_uint2(0, num_leaves - 1);
// determine direction of the range
const UInt self_code = node_code[idx];
const int L_delta = common_upper_bits(self_code, node_code[idx - 1]);
const int R_delta = common_upper_bits(self_code, node_code[idx + 1]);
const int d = (R_delta > L_delta) ? 1 : -1;
// Compute upper bound for the length of the range
const int delta_min = thrust::min(L_delta, R_delta);
int l_max = 2;
int delta = -1;
int i_tmp = idx + d * l_max;
if(0 <= i_tmp && i_tmp < num_leaves)
delta = common_upper_bits(self_code, node_code[i_tmp]);
while(delta > delta_min)
l_max <<= 1;
i_tmp = idx + d * l_max;
delta = -1;
if(0 <= i_tmp && i_tmp < num_leaves)
delta = common_upper_bits(self_code, node_code[i_tmp]);
// Find the other end by binary search
int l = 0;
int t = l_max >> 1;
while(t > 0)
i_tmp = idx + (l + t) * d;
delta = -1;
if(0 <= i_tmp && i_tmp < num_leaves)
delta = common_upper_bits(self_code, node_code[i_tmp]);
if(delta > delta_min)
l += t;
t >>= 1;
uint32_t jdx = idx + l * d;
if(d < 0)
thrust::swap(idx, jdx); // make it sure that idx < jdx
return make_uint2(idx, jdx);
template <typename UInt>
MUDA_GENERIC uint32_t find_split(UInt const* node_code,
const uint32_t num_leaves,
const uint32_t first,
const uint32_t last) noexcept
const UInt first_code = node_code[first];
const UInt last_code = node_code[last];
if(first_code == last_code)
return (first + last) >> 1;
const int delta_node = common_upper_bits(first_code, last_code);
// binary search...
int split = first;
int stride = last - first;
stride = (stride + 1) >> 1;
const int middle = split + stride;
if(middle < last)
const int delta = common_upper_bits(first_code, node_code[middle]);
if(delta > delta_node)
split = middle;
} while(stride > 1);
return split;
template <bool IsConst, typename Real, typename Object>
class BVHViewerBase : muda::ViewerBase<IsConst>
using Base = muda::ViewerBase<IsConst>;
template <typename U>
using auto_const_t = typename Base::template auto_const_t<U>;
template <typename Real_, typename Object_, typename AABBGetter, typename MortonCodeCalculator>
friend class BVH;
using real_type = Real;
using aabb_type = AABB<real_type>;
using node_type = details::Node;
using index_type = std::uint32_t;
using object_type = Object;
using ConstViewer = BVHViewerBase<true, real_type, object_type>;
using NonConstViewer = BVHViewerBase<false, real_type, object_type>;
using ThisViewer = BVHViewerBase<IsConst, real_type, object_type>;
struct DefaultQueryCallback
MUDA_GENERIC void operator()(uint32_t obj_idx) const noexcept {}
MUDA_GENERIC BVHViewerBase(const uint32_t num_nodes,
const uint32_t num_objects,
auto_const_t<node_type>* nodes,
auto_const_t<aabb_type>* aabbs,
auto_const_t<object_type>* objects)
: m_num_nodes(num_nodes)
, m_num_objects(num_objects)
, m_nodes(nodes)
, m_aabbs(aabbs)
, m_objects(objects)
MUDA_KERNEL_ASSERT(m_nodes && m_aabbs && m_objects,
"BVHViewerBase[%s:%s]: nullptr is passed,"
MUDA_GENERIC auto as_const() const noexcept
return ConstViewer{m_num_nodes, m_num_objects, m_nodes, m_aabbs, m_objects};
MUDA_GENERIC operator ConstViewer() const noexcept
return as_const();
MUDA_GENERIC auto num_nodes() const noexcept { return m_num_nodes; }
MUDA_GENERIC auto num_objects() const noexcept { return m_num_objects; }
// query object indices that potentially overlaps with query aabb.
// requirements:
// - F: void (uin32_t obj_idx)
template <typename F, uint32_t StackNum = 64>
MUDA_GENERIC uint32_t query(const query_overlap<real_type>& q,
F callback = DefaultQueryCallback{}) const noexcept
index_type stack[StackNum];
index_type* stack_ptr = stack;
index_type* stack_end = stack + StackNum;
*stack_ptr++ = 0; // root node is always 0
uint32_t num_found = 0;
const index_type node = *--stack_ptr;
const index_type L_idx = m_nodes[node].left_idx;
const index_type R_idx = m_nodes[node].right_idx;
if(intersects(, m_aabbs[L_idx]))
const auto obj_idx = m_nodes[L_idx].object_idx;
if(obj_idx != 0xFFFFFFFF)
if constexpr(!std::is_same_v<F, DefaultQueryCallback>)
else // the node is not a leaf.
*stack_ptr++ = L_idx;
if(intersects(, m_aabbs[R_idx]))
const auto obj_idx = m_nodes[R_idx].object_idx;
if(obj_idx != 0xFFFFFFFF)
if constexpr(!std::is_same_v<F, DefaultQueryCallback>)
else // the node is not a leaf.
*stack_ptr++ = R_idx;
MUDA_KERNEL_ASSERT(stack_ptr < stack_end,
"LBVHQuery[%s:%s]: stack overflow, try use a larger StackNum.",
} while(stack < stack_ptr);
return num_found;
// query object index that is the nearst to the query point.
// requirements:
// - FDistanceCalculator must be able to calc distance between a point to an object.
// which means FDistanceCalculator: Real (const object_type& lhs, const object_type& rhs)
template <typename FDistanceCalculator, uint32_t StackNum = 64>
MUDA_GENERIC thrust::pair<uint32_t, real_type> query(
const query_nearest<real_type>& q, FDistanceCalculator calc_dist) const noexcept
// pair of {node_idx, mindist}
thrust::pair<index_type, real_type> stack[StackNum];
thrust::pair<index_type, real_type>* stack_ptr = stack;
thrust::pair<index_type, real_type>* stack_end = stack + StackNum;
*stack_ptr++ = thrust::make_pair(0, mindist(m_aabbs[0],;
uint32_t nearest = 0xFFFFFFFF;
real_type dist_to_nearest_object = infinity<real_type>();
const auto node = *--stack_ptr;
if(node.second > dist_to_nearest_object)
// if aabb mindist > already_found_mindist, it cannot have a nearest
const index_type L_idx = m_nodes[node.first].left_idx;
const index_type R_idx = m_nodes[node.first].right_idx;
const aabb_type& L_box = m_aabbs[L_idx];
const aabb_type& R_box = m_aabbs[R_idx];
const real_type L_mindist = mindist(L_box,;
const real_type R_mindist = mindist(R_box,;
const real_type L_minmaxdist = minmaxdist(L_box,;
const real_type R_minmaxdist = minmaxdist(R_box,;
// there should be an object that locates within minmaxdist.
if(L_mindist <= R_minmaxdist) // L is worth considering
const auto obj_idx = m_nodes[L_idx].object_idx;
if(obj_idx != 0xFFFFFFFF) // leaf node
const real_type dist = calc_dist(, m_objects[obj_idx]);
if(dist <= dist_to_nearest_object)
dist_to_nearest_object = dist;
nearest = obj_idx;
*stack_ptr++ = thrust::make_pair(L_idx, L_mindist);
if(R_mindist <= L_minmaxdist) // R is worth considering
const auto obj_idx = m_nodes[R_idx].object_idx;
if(obj_idx != 0xFFFFFFFF) // leaf node
const real_type dist = calc_dist(, m_objects[obj_idx]);
if(dist <= dist_to_nearest_object)
dist_to_nearest_object = dist;
nearest = obj_idx;
*stack_ptr++ = thrust::make_pair(R_idx, R_mindist);
MUDA_KERNEL_ASSERT(stack_ptr < stack_end,
"LBVHQuery[%s:%s]: stack overflow, try use a larger StackNum.",
} while(stack < stack_ptr);
return thrust::make_pair(nearest, dist_to_nearest_object);
MUDA_GENERIC auto_const_t<object_type>& object(const uint32_t idx) noexcept
return m_objects[idx];
MUDA_GENERIC const object_type& object(const uint32_t idx) const noexcept
return m_objects[idx];
uint32_t m_num_nodes; // (# of internal node) + (# of leaves), 2N+1
uint32_t m_num_objects; // (# of leaves), the same as the number of objects
auto_const_t<node_type>* m_nodes;
auto_const_t<aabb_type>* m_aabbs;
auto_const_t<object_type>* m_objects;
MUDA_INLINE MUDA_GENERIC void check_index(const uint32_t idx) const noexcept
MUDA_KERNEL_ASSERT(idx < m_num_objects,
"BVHViewer[%s:%s]: index out of range, idx=%u, num_objects=%u",
} // namespace details
template <typename Real, typename Object>
using BVHViewer = details::BVHViewerBase<false, Real, Object>;
template <typename Real, typename Object>
using CBVHViewer = details::BVHViewerBase<true, Real, Object>;
} // namespace muda::lbvh
namespace muda
template <typename Real, typename Object>
struct read_only_view<lbvh::BVHViewer<Real, Object>>
using type = lbvh::CBVHViewer<Real, Object>;
template <typename Real, typename Object>
struct read_write_view<lbvh::CBVHViewer<Real, Object>>
using type = lbvh::BVHViewer<Real, Object>;
} // namespace muda