File bsr_matrix_view.h
File List > ext > linear_system > bsr_matrix_view.h
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#pragma once
#include <cusparse_v2.h>
#include <muda/view/view_base.h>
namespace muda
template <bool IsConst, typename Ty, int N>
class BSRMatrixViewT : public ViewBase<IsConst>
using Base = ViewBase<IsConst>;
template <typename U>
using auto_const_t = typename Base::template auto_const_t<U>;
template <bool OtherIsConst, typename U, int M>
friend class BSRMatrixViewT;
static_assert(!std::is_const_v<Ty>, "Ty must be non-const");
using ValueT = std::conditional_t<N == 1, Ty, Eigen::Matrix<Ty, N, N>>;
using ConstView = BSRMatrixViewT<true, Ty, N>;
using NonConstView = BSRMatrixViewT<false, Ty, N>;
using ThisView = BSRMatrixViewT<IsConst, Ty, N>;
// data
int m_row = 0;
int m_col = 0;
auto_const_t<int>* m_row_offsets = nullptr;
auto_const_t<int>* m_col_indices = nullptr;
auto_const_t<ValueT>* m_values = nullptr;
int m_non_zeros = 0;
mutable cusparseMatDescr_t m_legacy_descr = nullptr;
mutable cusparseSpMatDescr_t m_descr = nullptr;
bool m_trans = false;
MUDA_GENERIC BSRMatrixViewT() noexcept = default;
MUDA_GENERIC BSRMatrixViewT(int row,
int col,
auto_const_t<int>* block_row_offsets,
auto_const_t<int>* block_col_indices,
auto_const_t<ValueT>* block_values,
int non_zeros,
cusparseSpMatDescr_t descr,
cusparseMatDescr_t legacy_descr,
bool trans) noexcept
: m_row(row)
, m_col(col)
, m_row_offsets(block_row_offsets)
, m_col_indices(block_col_indices)
, m_values(block_values)
, m_non_zeros(non_zeros)
, m_descr(descr)
, m_legacy_descr(legacy_descr)
, m_trans(trans)
template <bool OtherIsConst>
MUDA_GENERIC BSRMatrixViewT(const BSRMatrixViewT<OtherIsConst, Ty, N>& other) noexcept
: m_row(other.m_row)
, m_col(other.m_col)
, m_row_offsets(other.m_row_offsets)
, m_col_indices(other.m_col_indices)
, m_values(other.m_values)
, m_non_zeros(other.m_non_zeros)
, m_descr(other.m_descr)
, m_legacy_descr(other.m_legacy)
MUDA_GENERIC ConstView as_const() const
return ConstView{
m_row, m_col, m_row_offsets, m_col_indices, m_values, m_non_zeros, m_descr, m_legacy_descr, m_trans};
MUDA_GENERIC auto values() const { return m_values; }
MUDA_GENERIC auto row_offsets() const { return m_row_offsets; }
MUDA_GENERIC auto col_indices() const { return m_col_indices; }
MUDA_GENERIC auto rows() const { return m_row; }
MUDA_GENERIC auto cols() const { return m_col; }
MUDA_GENERIC auto non_zeros() const { return m_non_zeros; }
MUDA_GENERIC auto legacy_descr() const { return m_legacy_descr; }
MUDA_GENERIC auto descr() const { return m_descr; }
MUDA_GENERIC auto is_trans() const { return m_trans; }
MUDA_GENERIC auto T() const
return ThisView{
m_row, m_col, m_row_offsets, m_col_indices, m_values, m_non_zeros, m_descr, m_legacy_descr, !m_trans};
template <typename Ty, int N>
using BSRMatrixView = BSRMatrixViewT<false, Ty, N>;
template <typename Ty, int N>
using CBSRMatrixView = BSRMatrixViewT<true, Ty, N>;
} // namespace muda
namespace muda
template <typename Ty, int N>
struct read_only_view<BSRMatrixView<Ty, N>>
using type = CBSRMatrixView<Ty, N>;
template <typename Ty, int N>
struct read_write_view<CBSRMatrixView<Ty, N>>
using type = BSRMatrixView<Ty, N>;
} // namespace muda
#include "details/bsr_matrix_view.inl"